Nacionalno preverjanje znanja
Vse o nacionalnem preverjanju iz angleščine za 6. razred, tudi arhiv nalog od leta 2006 naprej, si lahko ogledaš TUKAJ. Oglejte si, kako je sestavljen NPZ iz angleščine: Informacije o preizkusu znanja za leto...
Spletna učilnica za angleščino OŠ Poljane
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Vse o nacionalnem preverjanju iz angleščine za 6. razred, tudi arhiv nalog od leta 2006 naprej, si lahko ogledaš TUKAJ. Oglejte si, kako je sestavljen NPZ iz angleščine: Informacije o preizkusu znanja za leto...
Here are some FOOD GAMES for you: For kids: Breakfast song, Baby ‘s snack time, Vegetable song, Do you like …, Food groups are rockin’ Matching: 1, 2 Memory: 1, 2, 3 Hangman: 1,...
Here are some GAMES for you: For kids: matching and guessing, animals’ sound song, animals’ love song Hangman 1, 2, 3 Matching 1, 2 Games ENJOY!
Have you still have problems with BE (AM, IS, ARE), HAVE GOT (HAS GOT) and PRESENT SIMPLE? Look at the table and do some practice. PRACTICE be 1, be 2 have got / has got...
It is difficult to say or tell something if you don’t know the words. Here are some exercises to practise speaking about everyday activities. Take a look at: verbs 1, verbs 2, verbs 3,...
TRY THESE: Health and illness – a word game I’m too ill – a dialogue Being healthy – a poem Brush bus – a song Tooth family – a song Body parts and health – hangman
Look at the words for the head, the face and the whole body. There are a number of exercises: beginner exercises, matching, gap fill, grouping, hangman 1, hangman 2, hangman 3. Have fun – you may ask me for...
1. PRIDEVNIK tako v slovenščini kot v angleščini stoji PRED samostalnikom in ga natančneje opiše. Odgovori nam na vprašanja KAKŠEN? KATERI? ČIGAV? a big dog,...
There are many countries in the world. Their names and the names of nationalities should be learnt by heart. But it is easier to do it through interactive games. Try these hangman matching...
Whose house is this? – This is my house. Some simple exercises1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 A memory game A simple quiz
What can people do or what can’t they do? Listen to this simple song, then watch this video about sports and actions. Some more practice for you: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
WHAT ARE THEY DOING? We use the present continuous to talk about about current actions, about what your are doing right now, at the moment. Look at the picture – what are the...
NUMBERS – CARDINAL AND ORDINAL GLAVNI IN VRSTILNI ŠTEVNIKI Go to: DATES DATUMI What’s the date today? – We write: It’s 21st of September 2015. / We say: It’s the...
Da bomo lahko sestavljali besede in stavke, moramo najprej poznati črke. Angleščina ima 26 črk in vsaka ima svoje ime. Spodaj so zapisane črke angleške abecede po vrsti, v oklepaju pa poenostavljena izgovarjava vsake izmed črk....
1. Črke so lahko VELIKE in male. A B C D E F … CAPITAL (BIG) LETTERS ...
English is a very interesting language. Why? Because the words are written one way and spoken another. Many students have problems with this. Here is a special song to make it easier to understand letters and...
Hello, class 6! You haven’t forgotten September and October English, have you? I hope that the following may help you. SINGULAR AND PLURAL (EDNINA IN MNOŽINA) PERSONAL PRONOUNS – I, you,...
There are two types of questions in English. 1. YES/NO QUESTIONS (Is Betty at school?) they always begin with an auxiliary verb (Do/Does/Am/Is/Are/Did/Was/Were/Have/Will/Would/Can/Could …) the answer can be either YES or NO + auxiliary verb = SHORT...
Here you can find some listening exercises: Choose the level, then do them one by one, or by your favourite topics.
Preveri, če veš vse o angleških osebnih zaimkih. ne dela ne dela ne dela Fill in (Vstavi): 1, 2 Choose (Izberi): 3 Mixed (Mešano): 4
Can I close the door, please? – Yes, of course. √ ...